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Showing posts with label People's Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People's Campaign. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Members of Indian Parliament, Why hesitate to enact progressive laws?

Democracy becomes meaningless when Members of Parliament run away from the responsibility to learn new things and educate the masses they represent. Pandering to traditional evil practices might help them to remain in Parliament for some more time. When people become more aware of what is going on the world over, they will find new representatives. Action from the part of the voter is sure to compel them to change if they want to remain as Parliament Members. E- petitions have a great role in educating the unaware and thus bring about possible changes. We request you to read, sign and share the petition aimed at persuading the MPs of Indian Parliament to enact law so as to remove the discrimination against the LGBTQ community in India which finds its sanction in the Indian Criminal Procedure Code. For those who need background information: read this. 

The new petition :

Ask India’s Parliament to Kill Outdated Anti-Gay Laws

Thank You for taking action.