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Showing posts with label Petition to UN and Saudi authrities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petition to UN and Saudi authrities. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Help Saudi Arabian Enlightenment IV

It is known to the whole world that Hamza Kashgari, the Arabian writer,  has been detained in Saudi prison illegally. His friends, relatives and the whole world have been sending entreaties, petitions and requests to the authorities for getting him released. Even after one year, the authorities seem not to heed. It is high time all the  lovers of freedom of speech and conscience rise up against dark age superstitions and speak for the liberty of an individual to hold his own opinion regarding faith and to let other people know his thoughts.

Kindly sign the petition below:


(If mouse click doesn't take you to the site, kindly copy the link and paste it in your browser)

 Please spread the word....................

 For earlier posts on the topic:

'1. A letter to the Attorney General' 


To see the text and more about him ,his writings etc.in Arabic ,


الحرية أولا



P.S.  Hamza Kashgari released

A Hearty thank you to all who supported him!
We are happy Hamza, Congratulations!!
