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Showing posts with label Saudi brutality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saudi brutality. Show all posts

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Update on Punishment meted out to Raif Badawy on charges of Apostasy

The history of charges and court rulings regarding Raif Badawy's apostasy has been published earlier. We are giving below the third update on change.org petition site by Atheer Al-Ani ,Magdeburg, Germany:

"Raef Badawi, a Saudi who is one of the establishers of the "Liberal Saudi Network", which angered Ultra-orthodox clerics of Saudi Arabia has been sentenced to 1000 lashes and 10 years in prison.
Originally, he was expected to be sentenced to death for apostasy, for instance, as published by AFP:
“A Saudi court on Monday referred a rights activist to a higher court for alleged apostasy, a charge that could lead to the death penalty in the ultra-conservative kingdom, activists said.
A judge at a lower court referred Raef Badawi to a higher court, declaring that he "could not give a verdict in a case of apostasy," a rights activist told AFP. Apostasy means renunciation of a religious faith.
Badawi, who was arrested in June in the Red Sea city of Jeddah for unknown reasons, is a co-founder of the Saudi Liberal Network with female rights activist Suad al-Shammari and others.” 

The petition  demands" that Saudi Arabia free and safeguard 

Raef Badawy and stop threatening people merely for 

expressing nonorthodox views on Islam or religion in 

general, because without freedom of speech, one can not 

counter the dangerous beliefs of extremist Islam that leads 

ultimately to terrorism and threatens the safety of all people 

around the world."

We request you to sign the petition to 
free Raif Badawy.

 Please share the petition

 and spread the word.

The twitter hash tag is:  #FreeRaif

                     The petition link

                                                    Thank You.